Dr. Kundur will be remembered as a Professor at the University of Toronto, an author of the book Power System Stability and Control (McGraw-Hill, 1994) which is a standard modern reference for the subject, and as an international consultant for power system planning and design. He delivered technical courses for utilities, manufacturers and universities around the world.
Many honors were awarded to Dr. Kundur over the years, including several from IEEE such as the 1997 IEEE Nikola Tesla Award, the 2005 IEEE PES Charles Concordia Power System Engineering Award, and the 2010 IEEE Medal in Power Engineering. He was elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2003, and as a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Engineering in 2011. Dr. Kundur also received two honourary degrees: Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Politechnica of Bucharest, Romania in 2001, and Doctor of Engineering, Honoris Causa by the University of Waterloo, Canada in 2004. He was regarded as a true expert in his field.
With deep sadness and respect, Kreskent will remember Dr. Prabha S. Kundur as a wonderful guest we had. We was really blessed to get the chance to provide our service to him.